Trusts & Charities

The charities Observe Afrika contributes to have physically been visited.

We are very committed to ensuring that our donations are being directed towards the correct place.

Rhino Revolution was founded in 2011 by the concerned citizens of Hoedspruit, including respected rhino conservationists and private nature reserve owners, who came together to try and reduce the escalating poaching crisis in this critically important rhino conservation area.

  • Enhancing community awareness

  • Addressing animal welfare issues

  • Safe guarding the natural environment

  • Providing veterinary assistance to animals in need

  • Rescuing and hand rearing rhino orphans

This organisation was formed to preserve Africa's large and mostly endangered predators, African wild dog, cheetah, leopard, lion and spotted hyena - and their habitats. The conservation project funds research to better understand the behavioural patterns of the predators, educate the local youth, and work alongside the farmers on how to cohabit the same space as the wildlife.

The Bhongolethu Foundation is a community development non-profit organisation in Cape Town that provides distinguished programmes and transformative spaces for the progressive realisation of equality. In this mission we have made it our primary objective to deliver progressive programmes in early childhood development, quality primary schooling, and adult education. We support and expand on these objectives with supporting programmes in access to nutrition, recreation, health, child safety, gender equality and healthcare.

Bhongolethu Foundation