Katherine Mathias Katherine Mathias

Art piece created by poaching snares FOR SALE to raise global awareness

Conservation hero’s in South Africa protecting our wildlife, canines.

Our Aim of the Rhino Sculpture

Over the past 2 years there have been many ideas of where to place this piece of brilliance in order to bring awareness of how the damage to our wildlife impacts the ENTIRE earth and it’s people. 

Observe Afrika is now engaging with our global network to find a space where the Rhino can be seen by as many people as possible and only sold to a organisation/person whom will protect & honour this masterpiece. 

To discuss price, location and any interest in collecting this masterpiece, please contact Katherine directly here.

This literal "body of evidence'' is a memorial to the unfathomable pain and suffering caused by snare traps of Africa’s wildlife. Attached to it are the tags of the faithful K9's whom have made it their life's work to protect the wildlife along side of us or made the ultimate sacrifice & died trying. 

This Rhino is a testament of everyone's duty to protect our heritage.

The Warriors

Over a hundred people- field rangers, conservationists, volunteers and school groups, have removed these snares amounting to a staggering approximate 112 000 hours of patrolling and snare sweeping through the South African bush. About 40 dogs have assisted on these operations & roughly 400 hours went into creating the statue itself.

The Rhino Sculpture is a work of art that is unique in many ways. It has been tied and bound together over hundreds of hours and is a result of thousands of anti-poaching operations and patrols having been conducted in conservation areas and protected parks throughout Mpumalanga and Limpopo in South Africa. It is accurate to say that thousands of animals’ lives have been saved by the removal of these deadly and cruel traps that will never again be used to kill or maim our wildlife.

Conraad de Rosner grew up in the bushveld on family game reserves and was raised to love and appreciate all that is nature around him. He became a game ranger in 1991 after finishing his nature conservation studies on the Highveld. His passion for the African bush took him on an incredible life journey; from discovering and recording hundreds of ancient San rock art sites and working on many conservancies in Southern Africa, giving thousands of guests from all around the globe the opportunity to experience Africa from his perspective.

Around 2008, a new issue came to light- the threat of rhino poaching was on the increase thus game rangers and guides were suddenly seconded to protect the Rhino populations and leave their game viewers behind. This later led Conraad to start his own anti-poaching company in 2011. K9 Conservation was created from a dream and a necessity, and Conraad soon realised the potential of working dogs in his efforts against wildlife criminals and the success rates that these canines incurred. 

Today, Conraad is a much-respected conservationist who directs a highly efficient and revered anti-poaching company and continues to leave deep tracks in the fight against poaching.

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Katherine Mathias Katherine Mathias

Featured Property in South Afrika

Kubili House located in the Greater Kruger National Park in South Afrika, part of Thornybush Private Game Reserve is our property of the month.

Katherine having spent quite a lot of time on the reserve has always had a great love for this conservancy in particular. She genuinely returned from this “home away from home” with no real words to describe it just big sparkling eyes.

This dynamic lodge was created to display all of the pieces that the owner come designer desired from collections all over the world. There is no stone left unturned in this magnificent property. As they say at Kubili, “Our goal isn’t to simply beat your expectations, it’s to leave them in the dust”, this is definitely that property.

This lodge is private bookings for a group of 8 (5 bedrooms) or couple and VERY exclusive.

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