Frequently Asked Questions

What to wear?

Because we feel that you do not need to acquire a whole new wardrobe to come adventure with us, following the rule of thumb that bright colours are not ideal and neutral ones help to blend in with the surroundings, we will not take the fun of style out of safari.

  • Good walking shoes with long socks are a must along with some flip flops for when you relax.

  • Depending on the time of year (mostly our winter), warm clothes will be required in the evenings but Africa in general very warm.

  • A strong sunblock is always recommended to be used, even when you are shaded by huge trees, our sun is very striking.

  • Hats are always useful for afternoon siesta in the hammock or a late afternoon stroll in the bush.

Challenges of travel?

Travelling within Africa is best done with a guide who is one with the people. The movements throughout the continent can either be very easy or challenging, it all depends on the day. Observe Afrika prides itself in having a strong communication with all whom they encounter. Understanding the indigenous languages, ability to interpret the culture, we are confident we can escort you through everything we encounter, from airports to herds of elephants, our service is to keep you safe and enthralled.


There are many skewed perceptions of Africa and the safety of the continent. There will always be outlets that distribute“ fake news” and media that portray Africa and certain countries within it negatively and in quite a disturbing manner. Whilst no place in the world is completely safe, and knowing that our continent does have a very high percentage of unemployed individuals, it would be a lie to say there is not a sufficient amount of crime. However, in saying that, we ask our guests to be mindful and have street smarts as many encounters are people just being opportunists and taking a chance on someone they can see is not as knowledgable of their surroundings.

As your guides, we will be by your side to negate any potential danger, answer your queries, give you correct instruction for whatever you require and make your adventure as seamless and effortless as possible.


Depending on the area you are wishing to travel to, there are different vaccinations required. In Southern & Eastern Africa there is malaria to be cautious about. We do suggest that our guests take anti-malaria pills, Malarone and Doxycyclin which are recommended by our local doctors. Please discuss this with your health care provider prior to use.

Yellow fever is also a potential vaccination that one must obtain prior to travel in some of our African countries, please see link here

Please speak to your travel agent about what vaccinations are required per country as regulations do change.

Horse riding experience?

Most of our affiliates have all routes available for all levels of riders ability. Other activities or following in vehicles are provided for your non riders.

Riding in a Big 5 (lions, elephants, rhino, buffalo, leopard) is an incredible experience, however mostly saved for experienced riders.

Photographic needs?

Taking photos is a must on safari. Please make sure you bring extra memory cards, correct adapters for your plugs, though most lodges and affiliates will have extras on hand but best to be prepared.

We ask that you DO NOT take photographs of locals in the communities or their animals unless you have asked permission. Please speak to your guide before doing so in order to make sure no one is exploited or feels threatened.